other cool neocities webbed sites i find interesting !!

here are a list of linkbacks to other neocities/old web-style sites that inspire me or i find interesting !! i'm not afflicated with any of these sites/creators & don't know them unless otherwise specified, i just put embed links of sites i like here so i can find 'em later and so you might find someth you like too !!

trendgender bug photos now! giygas petrapixel

virtuagirl bootlegblog hellomei ooopslol

also fun bonus mostly for my own benefit -- u can find fun graphics, stamps and blinkies @ the sites below, warning for flashing images tho!! no particular order (i'm lazy)

https://prophetesque.gay/graphix // https://blinkies.neocities.org // https://pixelsafari.neocities.org // https://wowzow.neocities.org // work in progess bro...

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