
some ppl might be confused abt how i can be male-aligned but also bigender . basically for all intents and purposes, and as far as most ppl should be concerned, i'm Literally Just A Guy (a boy, a man, Male™, ♂, ), but if u really wanna get into it my gender is both 100% male but also 100% genderfluid + mutogender . i think my mutogenderism is, at least partly, due to autism so u could also suggest that it's somewhat autigender as well

point is, i'm not 50/50 anything, but i am just 100% two whole genders, 100% of the time but one of those genders is fluid in experience and intensity. fwiw, the genders i can and do feel though mutogenderism are farely limitless, but i very VERY rarely experience absolute femaleness, although i might experience some amout of girlhood, if that makes sense. (editors note: it doesn't)

anyways i made this page cus i was thinking abt expressing my gender on a piechart but like,, thats not right cus it implies i'm half X and half Y. i need two pies at LEAST.

some other gendery words u can use for me + that i relate too (tw reclaimed slurs) >:)

- male / man / boy* / masc ...

- trans male / trans man / trans boy* / trans masc ...

- bigender / genderfluid / bigenderfluid / bigenderflux / fluidflux ...

- mutogender / affectugender / neurogender / autigender ...

- fag / faggot / transfag

- unlabelled (the irony isn't lost on me)

*altho i'd prefer if ppl i don't know don't call me a boy because that's infatalising like.......... i am 26................

flag credit ^u^

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